Pet Hydration Awareness Month: Keeping Your Furry Friends Hydrated & Avoiding Cat and Dog Dehydration

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July is one of the hottest months of the year, so you need to stay hydrated. The media blasts messages this time of year, reminding us to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and heat-related illnesses. Unfortunately, there is not as much information on how important proper hydration is for optimal health in cat and dog nutrition and how dire the effects of cat and dog dehydration can be.

To help pet parents better understand their companions' needs, PetSafe established National Pet Hydration Awareness Month. This event takes place each July and aims to educate pet owners about ensuring their dogs and cats drink plenty of water during the summer and throughout the year. As veterinarians, we see far too many cases of dog and cat dehydration every summer. We want to help you prevent your furry family member from experiencing this all-too-common problem. In this blog, we’re embracing the value of Pet Hydration Awareness Month and sharing how to avoid cat and dog dehydration, get your pet to drink more water, and other ways to keep your pet well-hydrated and healthy.

Why You Need to Know All About Pet Hydration

Keeping your pet hydrated is the best way to help them combat those blazing-hot July days. While often overlooked, hydration is a crucial component of overall health and well-being in companion animals — just as it is in humans! Dogs' and cats' bodies are made up of roughly 70 percent water, and this water is vital for all bodily processes. Water performs countless functions for pets ' bodies, from moisturizing the air in their lungs and regulating body temperature to supporting nervous system function and transporting nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream to cells.

What Is Dehydration in Dogs and Cats?

Dehydration is common during hot weather and can quickly turn deadly. Keeping your pet's bowl filled with cool, clean water is a crucial step in warding off this problem, but sometimes, it isn't enough. In these instances, prompt veterinary care is essential. As a pet parent, it's up to you to keep your four-legged family member well-hydrated and recognize the early warning signs of dehydration in pets.

Symptoms of Dehydration in Pets

The symptoms of dehydration are similar for dogs and cats, and some even share some symptoms with humans. Recognizing the signs and seeking veterinary care right away could save your pet's life, so we strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with them.

The symptoms of pet dehydration include:

  • Lethargy
  • Reduced energy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Heavy panting
  • Dry gums and nose
  • Sunken eyes
  • Decreased skin elasticity (skin tenting)
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation or very hard stools

In cats, insufficient water intake can also cause urinary blockages, which can be fatal when not treated immediately.

The symptoms of feline urinary blockages include:

  • Howling/crying
  • Straining in the litter box and producing little to no urine
  • Litter box avoidance
  • Hiding
  • Excessive grooming or licking of the genitals or the area below the base of the tail

Cat drinking out of a water bowl to stay hydrated.

Keeping Your Pet Well-Hydrated

There are several ways to help your pet stay healthy and hydrated on even the hottest days of the year. Here are a few tips:

Provide 'Round-the-Clock Access to Water

Pets need unrestricted access to clean, fresh water at all times. If your pet spends time indoors and outdoors, ensure they have water in both locations. Take some with you when going for walks and when traveling with your pets.

Switch to Wet Food

Switching to wet food could help your pet stay hydrated if they aren't drinking enough water. Wet food has a significantly higher moisture content than dry, so it's an excellent way to help your furry friend get the hydration they need. Since cats tend not to drink enough water, offering them wet food is extremely important.

Move the Water Bowl If Your Pet Isn't Drinking

Animals — especially cats — are often finicky about the location of their water bowl. They may refuse to drink if you place it too close to their litter box, food, or a noisy appliance such as a washing machine. Some dogs instinctively refuse water when the bowl is in the wrong place, too. If your pet doesn't seem interested in their water bowl, move it to a clean area away from food dishes and litter boxes. Make sure it's in a convenient location to allow easy access.

Try a Different Bowl Type

Just like children often have a favorite cup and refuse to drink out of anything else, pets might not drink if they don't like their bowl. If your dog or cat avoids its current water bowl, experiment with different styles.

Some pets prefer recirculated water fountains over traditional bowls. They keep the water moving, and animals' instincts tell them that moving water is safer than still water. Even the pickiest felines may get over their water aversion once they have access to a moving water source. Be sure to wash the bowl regularly with hot soapy water to prevent mildew from forming, making the bowl as pleasing as possible.

Limit Exercise and Outside Time on Hot Days

Pets (and people) are more susceptible to dehydration on hot, sunny days. Protect your furry friend by keeping them indoors and limiting physical activity when the temperature soars. A 90-degree day is not the time for a rollicking game of fetch in the backyard! And, of course, you should never leave your pet in an unattended vehicle on a hot day.

Dehydrated dog laying next to a water bowl.

What to Do When Your Cat or Dog Isn’t Drinking

While it’s easy to chalk up dehydration as a result of warm weather or lots of activity, there are a number of other reasons 

Immediate Actions for Dehydrated Pets

If your pet shows signs of dehydration, act quickly to rehydrate them:

  1. Offer water: Provide fresh, cool water immediately.
  2. Electrolyte solutions: Consider offering an electrolyte solution designed for pets. Consult your vet for recommendations.
  3. Moist food: Feed them wet food or add water to their dry food.
  4. Monitor: Keep a close eye on their behavior and water intake.

When Dehydrated Pets Should See a Veterinarian 

If your pet continues to refuse water or shows severe signs of dehydration, seek veterinary care promptly. If not addressed quickly, dehydration can lead to serious health issues. Your vet may provide fluids intravenously or subcutaneously and investigate the underlying causes of the decreased water intake.

Preventing dehydration by ensuring your pet has access to fresh water and encouraging regular drinking habits is crucial, not just during hot weather but all year round. If you have any concerns about your pet’s hydration, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian for guidance.

How Veterinarians Address Pet Dehydration

When your cat or dog is dehydrated, you must act fast and get your veterinarian involved immediately to prevent serious health complications. Veterinarians have several methods to diagnose and treat dehydration, ensuring your pet recovers safely and swiftly. Let’s look at how dehydration is diagnosed and what veterinarians may do to rehydrate your pet.

Dehydration Diagnosis

Upon arrival, the veterinarian will assess the severity of dehydration through a series of examinations and tests. These diagnostic actions can commonly include:

  • Physical examination: The vet will check for signs of dehydration, such as dry gums, sunken eyes, and skin tenting, as we mentioned above.
  • Vital signs: Monitoring heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature can indicate the extent of dehydration.
  • Blood tests: These can reveal electrolyte imbalances and assess kidney function, which dehydration can affect.
  • Urinalysis: This test helps evaluate kidney performance and hydration levels by examining urine concentration.

Dehydration Treatment

Depending on the severity of dehydration, the veterinarian may use various treatments to rehydrate your pet:

  1. Oral Rehydration Solutions
    • Mild dehydration: Your veterinarian may provide oral rehydration solutions for pets with mild dehydration and the ability to drink. These solutions are specially formulated with electrolytes to restore balance quickly.
  2. Subcutaneous Fluids
    • Moderate dehydration: If your pet is moderately dehydrated but still relatively stable, your veterinarian might administer subcutaneous fluids. This involves injecting fluids just under the skin, allowing for gradual absorption.
  3. Intravenous Fluids (IV)
    • Severe dehydration: In cases of severe dehydration, intravenous fluids are necessary. This method provides rapid rehydration by delivering fluids directly into the bloodstream. It allows for precise control over the volume and composition of fluids administered.
    • Hospitalization: Severely dehydrated pets may require hospitalization for continuous IV fluid therapy, monitoring, and supportive care.

Closing Thoughts

Keeping your dog or cat well-hydrated is crucial in maintaining their health and avoiding dehydration and heatstroke. If you have additional questions or think your pet may not be getting enough water, we're here to help. 

If you have questions and want to contact us  with any questions or concerns, you can call us directly at 734-453-0485 or email us at [email protected]

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